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What is a 'Life Coach'?

A life coach is a professional who helps individuals set and achieve personal or professional goals, make positive life changes, and overcome obstacles.


They provide guidance, support, and motivation to help clients improve various aspects of their lives, such as career, relationships, health, or personal development.


Life coaches use various techniques and strategies to assist their clients in identifying their goals, creating action plans, and making progress towards achieving them. They often work through one-on-one coaching sessions, offering guidance and accountability to help clients reach their desired outcomes.


Do I Need a Life Coach?

Whether or not you need a life coach depends on your personal goals, challenges, and preferences.


Ultimately, however, the choice to pursue coaching is a personal choice, and not everyone may feel the need for it - some people prefer self-help resources, books, or online courses to work on personal development.


Many people seek life coaching as an option to help tackle or attain some of the following:



Specific Goals

If you have specific goals or areas in your life where you feel stuck or want to make improvements (such as career, relationships, health, or personal development), a life coach can provide guidance and support.


If you struggle with staying motivated or accountable as you work towards making improvements, a life coach can help keep you on track and provide regular check-ins.


If you're seeking clarity about your life's direction or need help identifying your goals, a life coach can assist in this self-discovery process.

Overcoming Obstacles

If you face obstacles, self-doubt, or limiting beliefs that hinder your progress, a life coach can help you identify and overcome these roadblocks.

Feedback / Perspective

Life coaches offer an external perspective, valuable feedback, and tools to help you make informed decisions.

Time Management

If time management is becoming overwhelming, a life coach can assist in creating efficient routines and prioritizing tasks.

Jessica Dayal Consultation

How Do I Know If a Life Coach is Right For Me?

Choosing the right life coach for you involves careful consideration and assessment of your needs and preferences.


Here are some steps to help you determine if a life coach is a good fit for you:

Identify Your Goals:

Clearly define the specific goals or areas in your life where you need assistance. Understanding what you want to achieve will help you find a coach with relevant expertise.

Research Potential Coaches

Look for life coaches who specialize in the areas you want to improve, whether it's career, relationships, personal development, or health. Read their profiles, reviews, and credentials to gauge their qualifications.

Consultation or Discovery Call

Many life coaches offer a free initial consultation or discovery call. Use this opportunity to ask questions, discuss your goals, and assess if you feel comfortable working with the coach.


Do you feel a connection with the coach? Trust your intuition; if you don't feel comfortable or aligned with their approach, it may not be the right fit.

Communication Style

Ensure that the coach's communication style and methods resonate with you. Effective communication is crucial in the coaching relationship.

Cost & Logistics

Discuss fees, session frequency, and logistics (in-person, phone, or video sessions) to ensure they align with your budget and schedule.


Determine if you're willing and able to commit the time and effort required for coaching. Consistency is often key to achieving desired results.

Ultimately, the decision to work with a life coach should feel right for you. It's a personal choice, and finding the right coach who understands your goals and can support your journey is essential. Don't rush the selection process; take your time to find a coach who aligns with your needs and values.



What is My Approach to Life Coaching?

When working together, we will assess the root causes of what may be holding you back - both in your conscious and your subconscious mind...


We will construct a treatment plan which combines both life coaching, mindfulness and self-awareness techniques as well as meditation to dig deeper into subconscious roadblocks.


I find that meditation works wonders for understanding deeper thoughts and emotions, which leads to a much clearer understanding of values and goals.


This is because meditation changes the frequency of energy that is blocking a pathway in the brain, allowing you to make more informed decisions, manage stress, and cultivate a positive mindset.


As well as on-hand support, via email, WhatsApp and video calling, my approach to healing and wellbeing is holistic, and designed with your objectives at the helm.

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